Monday, June 25, 2018 Error during configuring DB security store. Exception Error during configuring DB security store. Exception


Cause : 

Each Weblogic Domain requires a separate OPSS schema and it can not be re-used or shared with other different Domains. As there is other domain on the same server which is using the OPSS Schema, the domain configuration failed.

Solution : 

In this case I was use same sys password for RCU and Domain creation . But When I change domain password and OPSS schema that time Error during configuring DB security store. Exception
Not come and successfully I have installed oracle 12c web application.



oracle forms 10g configuration

Installation oracle dev suitehome_1 (oracle developer suite 10)
After successfully installed then configure some file
11      Open default.env file from location
22       G:/devsuitehome_1 /forms/server/default.env
33      Formsweb.cfg
44     Install java jre-6u45-windows-i586.exe
55     Run jinit file
66     Open forms builder and go edit and preference put browse address
77     baseHTMLjinitiator=basejini.htm
88     #baseHTMLjinitiator=basejpi.htm <<<<<<<<<<<<
99 basejini.htm  replace  basejpi.htm